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Radon Mitigation Experts Agree with EPAs Multi-Million Dollar Funding to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Radon Mitigation Experts Agree with EPAs Multi-Million Dollar Funding to Improve Indoor Air Quality - Image 1

Radon Mitigation Experts Agree with EPAs Multi-Million Dollar Funding to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Protection Agency has recently provided $2.4 million to 17 nonprofit organizations and a university in order to spike these organization's research capabilities and additional efforts toward improving indoor air quality-- especially the effects of radon exposure. As a leader for radon testing and radon mitigation, National Radon Defense is supporting the EPA's decision and is continuing to implement all obtainable resources toward the provision of radon home tests and radon mitigation.

The EPA hopes that demonstrations, education projects, trainings, and outreach efforts will be put together to better inform the public of the risks that radon gas exposure poses to people around the world. National Radon Defense couldn't agree more with the importance of such resources.

Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation, is anticipating the benefits of the recent funding initiative and has seen huge value and immediacy in improving indoor air quality.


"American communities face serious health and environmental challenges from air pollution. This effort gives us an opportunity to improve indoor air quality by increasing awareness of environmental health risks" said Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation.

Radon gas itself is not carcinogen, but as uranium decays within the soil, polonium and other elements are released and radon gas is produced. This polonium is what collects on the lung and causes cancer. Radon is considered a Group A Carcinogen and is projected to cause one death every 25 minutes.


The EPA hopes that these initiatives will lead to more homes getting tested and mitigated for radon, and that all new homes will be made with radon-resistant features.

National Radon Defense wants every home across the world to be healthy and wants to see a huge drop in the number of radon induced lung cancer cases. 


We want to help you to maintain a safe and healthy home. Contact us today and we'll find a radon mitigation contractor near you. For radon testing and radon mitigation contact us today!