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EPA Radon Action Plan Increases Organization Involvement

EPA Radon Action Plan Increases Organization Involvement - Image 1

EPA Radon Action Plan Increases Organization Involvement

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is aiming to save thousands of lives through the implementation of a new action plan to coordinate the efforts of Federal agencies, non-profit associations, and professional organizations. Together they hope to reduce exposure to radon across the broadest possible population, further reducing the influx of the lethal effects of this carcinogenic gas that emanates from soil and rock.

Radon Concentrations

In an unprotected building, radioactive radon gas can reach dangerous concentrations that building occupants are unaware of, since radon gas is invisible and odorless. Reliable mitigation techniques can eliminate highly hazardous radon exposure, but for this to happen, buildings must be tested and experienced radon mitigation contractors must be hired to install radon abatement systems.

Working Together

The Federal agencies participating in the action plan include the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the General Services Administration.

A coalition of non-profit organizations will also be working to expand radon awareness and mitigation. These include the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, American Lung Association, American Society of Home Inspectors, Cancer Survivors Against Radon, Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, National Center for Healthy Housing, National Conference of State Legislatures, and the National Environmental Health Association. In addition, medical professionals, realtors and building professionals are being invited to join the coalition.

About Radon

Over 21,000 radon-related deaths occur in the U.S. every year. Reducing this statistic calls for awareness and action. Making more people aware of radon risks will prompt more testing in homes and other buildings. Action consists of hiring an experienced radon abatement contractor to install a system that reduces indoor levels of radon concentration to acceptable levels.

We at National Radon Defense work to test and mitigate homes to protect people everywhere from the harmful effects of radon poisoning.