High Percentage of Colorado Homeowners Aware but Not Checking for Radon
High Percentage of Colorado Homeowners Aware but Not Checking for Radon
A study conducted by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment shows that 73 percent of Coloradoans are aware of the dangers of radon. Out of this group only 34 percent have tested their homes for radon.
Positive Statistics
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recently did a study that shows that 73 percent of Colorado residents are aware of the harmful dangers of radon. It is beneficial for residents to be aware of Radon's effects as it is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that is only second to cigarettes as a leading cause of lung cancer.
Christine Kelley, radon program manager in the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division in Colorado says, it's encouraging that so many people are aware of radon because most Colorado counties are at high risk for it.
Negative Statistics
Of those that understand the hazards of radon, only 34 percent affirmed having tested their homes.
"The only way to know if radon is present in your home is to test for it", says Kelley.
The state of Colorado gathered radon testing data showing that approximately 50 percent of Colorado homes have radon levels above the recommended action limit, which is 4 picocuries per liter of air.
The only way to rid your home of radon is to install a mitigation system. Radon finds its way into homes through decay of naturally occurring uranium in the soil. Radon is not harmful when dispersed freely into the atmosphere, but when it collects in homes it becomes extremely dangerous and endangers anyone living in the house.
What Does This Mean
These statistics show that there has been increased awareness of radon in Colorado, but awareness isn't enough to make homeowners test their homes.
This doesn't just apply to Colorado. All homeowners need to realize that radon is a genuine problem throughout the United States and has alarming consequences.
Kelley says, "The best way to protect your family is to test your home, and we recommend that every Colorado home be tested."
Contact your local National Radon Defense affiliate for radon testing and radon mitigation services. Foundation Repair of Western Colorado, LLC offers radon testing in Colorado.