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EPA Gives $1.2 Million Towards Improving Indoor Air Quality

EPA Gives $1.2 Million Towards Improving Indoor Air Quality - Image 1

EPA Gives $1.2 Million Towards Improving Indoor Air Quality

The EPA has given $1.2 million to 32 state and local governments, tribes, and non-profits to improve indoor air quality. This includes Radon! This means better protection for the health of Americans in classrooms, communities, and homes across the country. Educational training, various projects and outreach efforts that are supported by the funding will help reduce environmental health risks of indoor air contaminants such as radon.

What the $1.2 million means to homeowners is that there will now be an increase in the number of pre-existing homes tested and mitigated for radon as well as new homes being built with radon-resistant features. This is beneficial to all homeowners, schools, and businesses with elevated levels of radon present.

What is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced by the naturally occurring decay of uranium within the earth’s soil. Breathing any concentration of radon over an extended period of time has been known to cause lung cancer. Since radon is found within the earth’s soil, it can enter your home in several different ways undetected. There is no odor or signs of radon in a home, which makes it more lethal. Dirt crawlspaces and cracks or holes in your home’s foundation are common ways that radon can enter your living space or business. Radon can also be released into the air when the home’s occupants take showers or run a faucet, though this is less of a concern in comparison to airborne radon.

Testing for Radon

If you live in an area that is known to have higher levels of radon, it’s a good idea to have your property tested. If it is determined that your property has an elevated concentration of radon, you can begin the process of working with a specialist on radon abatement. National Radon Defense can present you with several different methods of radon testing, cost analysis, and proper installation of a radon reduction system. National Radon Defense is dedicated to helping home and business owners, property managers as well as appointed municipal employees who have had their facility or home tested for radon that have an elevated radon level of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher. Once your home is tested and you find that elevated levels of radon are present, one of our certified radon mitigation specialists will be able to determine the appropriate radon reduction method for your property. After installation, maintaining your radon reduction system is crucial. National Radon Defense dealers offer a fully staffed Service Department to ensure that your system is maintained well into the future.

Radon sounds scary but it can be controlled and lowered to a manageable level. Prolonged radon exposure has been proven to cause Lung Cancer, so it’s best for everyone to have their homes or businesses tested if your home hasn’t been tested in a while or you just want to be cautious. Radon levels can change throughout the year because of how open your home is. Levels also vary from home to home, so it is best to have your home tested regardless of your neighbor’s results. Contact your local National Radon Defense dealer to have your home tested for radon today.

To read the official press release and get the full list of what the money will be used for, go to www.epa.gov.