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Radon: Not in My House

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Radon: Not in My House

What is radon, and how can it be present in my kitchen? Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is most often found in areas with a large amount of granite. Radon is a natural resource that can come from the soil surrounding the home. It can be found in rock formations, building materials, and both well and public water supplies. For the sake of argument, let's talk about radon and granite.

Obviously, it's been a hot topic in the last few decades since an increase of homes are being built and/or remodeled commonly using granite in areas of the kitchen and bathroom. Since radon is naturally occurring, yes, it can be found in granite building materials. The U.S. EPA states that: "In a small number of homes, the building materials (e.g., granite and certain concrete products) can give off radon, although building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves. In the United States, radon gas in soils is the principal source of elevated radon levels in homes."

If left untreated, large doses of radon can be lethal. The greatest risks are present in buildings that are not properly ventilated and foundations with leaks that allow air from the soil into the basement - leaking into living spaces. The build-up over time can pose a serious health risk, which in some cases, has been linked to lung cancer. The only way to know if you have radon in your home is to have your home professionally tested.

The experts at National Radon Defense (NRD) know exactly what to do to test for this deadly gas. They are licensed contractors who can perform quality radon testing and offer radon mitigation solutions. They provide quick, affordable, and customized solutions, so that you can rest assured - knowing that the air in your home is safe for your family to breathe.

The granite countertop in your kitchen may be giving off a trivial amount of gas, which in most cases, that alone, would not be a problem. The experts at NRD will test the countertop and your living space to determine if your levels are dangerous. In some cases, they will even suggest a home test kit, which you can administer yourself as a first step toward addressing the issue.

Your home is one of your biggest investments, and your family is your most prized possession... Why not ensure their safety and have the confidence of knowing that you are taking serious steps to protect them?


Their customer testimonials speak volumes.
"Thank you! Our post mitigation results were great. I was impressed with your installers, who were knowledgeable and neat in their work!" Millie H. (Iowa)

For information, call or contact: www.nationalradondefense.com