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What is the Lifespan of a Radon Mitigation System?

Kids in Radon Free Home

Radon mitigation systems play an important role in keeping your home safe from cancer causing radon gas, so it's important that you know how long you can expect the system to last so you'll be ready to replace or repair it when the time comes.

So in order to understand how long you can expect your radon mitigation system to last, it's important to understand what goes into your average radon mitigation system. Most radon mitigation systems are active, because active systems are more effective, and these systems consist of two main components:

  • Duct Piping: This is made using PVC pipe and directs the radon out of your home.
  • Exhaust Fan: This is the most important part of the system and provides the power to suck the radon into the piping and out of the home.

Unfortunately, this is where it gets tricky as each component has a different level of durability.

How long does duct piping last?

The good news is that duct piping is made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride). PVC is an incredibly durable substance and maintenance free. You might, for example, be familiar with the durability of vinyl siding. As a result, most duct piping, providing proper installation by a skilled contractor, can last more than 50 years. Often the piping even lasts 70 years or more. Duct piping is thus rarely a problem.

How long does a radon fan last?

This is where things get trickier. Radon fans are a vital part of the system and since they are electronic, they are more susceptible to a wide range of problems. Most fans only have a 5-year manufacturer's warranty but they often last 20 years or more. However, that is only if the fan is allowed to run continuously at low power. Frequently turning your fan on and off or running it at full capacity can cut this lifespan down considerably. That said, with a quality fan, proper installation, and proper usage you can generally expect your fan to have a lifespan of about 20 years.

Are there other factors that can affect the lifespan?

While these estimates are pretty accurate in a vacuum, there are a few outside factors that can skew the numbers:

  • Attic temperature: Many radon fans are in the attic. If your attic has excessive heat this can put additional pressure on the fan which could shorten the lifespan.
  • Exterior pressure: If your fan is mounted on the exterior of your home, then it is subject to a variety of pressures like UV rays and weather exposure. This wear and tear generally means that fans located outside of the home don’t last as long.

What can I do to keep my radon mitigation system running well?

As you can see, radon mitigation systems are quite long lasting but there are a few factors that can make predicting the exact lifespan tricky. So, what can you do? Our advice is to test occasionally every few years after the system is installed. These tests are easy, affordable, and can help provide you with peace of mind. The last thing you want is for something to go wrong with your radon mitigation system without your knowledge.

That said, the most important step is to make sure a radon contractor installs the actual system you can trust. As a network of trusted radon professionals, National Radon Defense can help you find your trusted local radon contractor. Contact us today and schedule your free estimate!