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Radon Mitigation System Cost

How Much is a Radon Mitigation System?

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Will it break the bank? Max out all cards? No, that's the reason why NRD dealers offer a FREE estimate so you know the best option that could fit your affordability and the radon mitigation that is ideal for your home. Plus, payment plans are always there to help. This is your sign to get one installed!

Your home or office tested high for radon, now what?

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You read that right, radon mitigation system does not come in a plug-and-play package. You really need to know how the process of installation would be ideal to your home -- especially that depends on the result of your radon levels. It can start from a 1-point system to maybe more. A consultation is the key! 


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To reduce radon exposure, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends mitigating any building measuring 4.0 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher. Take note, there is no safe level so the lower the better! Exposure to high levels of radon gas can be dangerous, and it's linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. The EPA estimates radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Installing a radon mitigation system in your home will help protect you and your family.


Different Kinds of Radon Mitigation System

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There are many factors to consider when looking at radon mitigation systems. The lifespan of a radon mitigation system can vary from company to company. Quality materials and knowledgeable radon professionals help some radon mitigation systems last longer than others. Contractors look at many things when designing a radon mitigation system for your home. Radon professionals get certification in radon mitigation and radon measurement. An Indoor Air Quality Specialist will design a custom mitigation system to fit the layout and design of your home. National Radon Defense has the best radon contractors, highly qualified and certified to work to design the best mitigation system for your home. There are several types of radon mitigation systems to reduce radon levels in a building.

These include:

Sub-slab depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system under the concrete slab of a building to draw out radon gas and vent it to the outside.

Sub-membrane depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system under the floor of a building to draw out radon gas and vent it to the outside.

Drain tile depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system around the perimeter of a building to draw out radon gas from the soil and vent it to the outside.

Block wall depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system inside block walls to draw out radon gas and vent it outside.

Sump pit depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system in the sump pit of a building to draw out radon gas and vent it to the outside.

Crawl space depressurization:

This method involves installing a pipe and fan system in the crawl space of a building to draw out radon gas and vent it to the outside.

Radon Mitigation System Cost - How Much?

The cost of a mitigation system depends on many factors. A certified contractor can evaluate your home to find the best way to mitigate radon to improve your air quality. The cost of installing a radon mitigation system can vary widely depending on what best fits your health, safety, and budget. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $800 and $2,500+ for a radon mitigation system. Several factors can affect the cost of a radon mitigation system.

These include:

  1. The size of your home: Larger homes typically require more extensive and costly mitigation systems.
  2. The level of radon present: The higher the radon levels, the more extensive the mitigation system may need to be.
  3. The type of foundation your home has: Homes with crawl spaces or basements will generally require more complex and costly mitigation systems.
  4. The type of mitigation system needed: There are several different types of radon mitigation systems, and the cost can vary depending on the type needed.
  5. The location of your home: Radon mitigation cost varies depending on where you live and the availability of contractors in your area.
  6. The need for additional ventilation or other air quality concerns in the home can also affect the cost of a radon mitigation system.

Costs Associated with a Radon Mitigation System

The cost of maintaining a radon mitigation system will depend on the specific system installed and the frequency of maintenance tasks. According to the EPA's Consumers Guide to Radon Reduction How to Fix Your Home, "Similar to a furnace or chimney, radon reduction systems need occasional maintenance. If you have a fan-powered (or active) system, you should look at your warning device, usually a manometer, on a regular basis to make sure the system is working correctly. Fans may last for five years or more- manufacturer warranties tend not to exceed five years- and may then need to be repaired or replaced. The cost to replace a fan varies as it is based on labor and materials."

The cost of repairing a radon mitigation system should be relatively low. Radon mitigation systems are designed for durability and reliability. If you have a warranty on your system, you may be able to get any needed repairs covered at no additional cost. Some common factors that can influence the cost of maintaining a mitigation system include:

  1. The complexity of the system: More complex systems may require more specialized maintenance, which may be more expensive.
  2. The frequency of maintenance: The more often a system needs to be maintained, the higher the costs will be. If spare parts are not readily available or are very expensive, the cost of maintaining a system can increase.
  3. The availability of trained technicians: If trained technicians are not readily available in your area, you may have to pay more to have them travel to your site.
  4. The environment in which the system is used: Systems used in harsh or challenging environments may require more frequent maintenance and may be more expensive to maintain.
  5. The age of the system: Older systems may require more maintenance and may be more expensive to maintain than newer systems.
  6. The warranties and service agreements in place: Some manufacturers offer warranties or service agreements that can reduce the costs of maintaining a system.

Does Radon Affect a Home's Resale Value

The presence of radon in a home can potentially affect the resale value of a home. The EPA "recommends that you know what the indoor radon level is in any home you consider buying. Ask the seller for their radon test results. If the home has a radon-reduction system, ask the seller for any information they have about the system. If the home has not yet been tested, you should have the house tested." Homes with high radon levels can be harder to sell than homes with low levels. See what real estate agents show on social media:


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As you can see, a home is salable if IT HAS a radon mitigation system installed.


Using the radon zone map that shows the highest levels of radon can help you find if you live in an area of high risk. It's still important that radon levels be tested, especially before buying a home. There are homes with high levels of radon in low-potential areas. The impact on resale value can depend on; radon levels, buyer preferences, and the overall state of the housing market. Some buyers may be willing to pay less for a home with high radon levels. Other buyers may be concerned with taking on the cost and health risks of buying a home with radon. Concerned buyers may request credit for a mitigation system or have a mitigation system installed by the seller. In many states, sellers must disclose if they have done radon testing and if the radon levels were high, they provide information about any steps taken to reduce radon levels.


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If you are concerned about radon and its potential impact on the resale value of your home, have the home tested for radon to address any potential issues. Radon levels can also fluctuate due to weather, seasonal changes, or home renovations, so testing must be done within 2 years of selling the home. Many buyers have a radon test done during the home inspection. Even if the seller tested around the time they sold the house. Certified radon contractors can test radon levels and assess if a mitigation system is needed to help both buyer and seller.

Overall, the costs associated with a radon mitigation system are a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're protected from the potential dangers of radon gas. Call your local National Radon Defense dealer to get a free estimate.