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Brandie Rezac

Director of Marketing 

National Radon Defense


[email protected] 

National Radon Defense Leadership Summit Brings Together Industry Experts to Combat Cancer Inducing Gas

The 2023 National Radon Defense Leadership Summit in Omaha, July 26-28, has gathered the top industry experts, including keynote speaker Maria Steele, a courageous radon-induced lung cancer survivor, advocating for healthier indoor living and proactive measures. The summit promises to be an enriching experience for radon professionals, environmentalists, business owners and health advocates.



National Radon Defense Leadership Summit Brings Together Industry Experts to Combat Cancer Inducing Gas - Image 1



Media Contact: 

Brandie Rezac 

Director of Marketing 








Omaha, July 27 This year’s National Radon Defense Leadership Summit, a premier event focuses on educating the dealers on latest tools and systems to mitigate radon, is set to take place from July 26 to 28, 2023. This year's summit will gather top industry experts and professionals to discuss the latest advancements in radon mitigation and advocate for healthier indoor living environments. 


One of the summit's keynote speakers, Maria Steele, an Iowa resident, brings a compelling and personal approach to the agenda. She is known as a courageous radon-induced lung cancer survivor who battled her way to better health. Maria's story serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by this silent killer as she was diagnosed on a "late stage". This shocking experience drives her passion for raising awareness about radon and advocating proactive measures to protect families from its harmful effects.


The summit will feature a diverse range of topics from renowned industry leaders, including innovative radon mitigation techniques, sharing of best practices, and the latest research findings. Attendees can look forward to gaining valuable insights and networking with like-minded professionals, all while contributing to a shared mission of creating healthier living spaces along with business growth. 


"We are thrilled to have Maria Steele join us as a presenter on Friday," said Curt Drew, Founder at National Radon Defense. "Her powerful journey and dedication to spreading awareness align perfectly with our commitment to mitigating radon and improving indoor air quality for communities across the nation." 


The 2023 National Radon Defense Leadership Summit will be a blend of in-person and virtual sessions, allowing attendees to fully participate. The summit promises to be an enriching experience for radon professionals, environmentalists, and health advocates. 


About National Radon Defense: 


National Radon Defense (NRD) is an international network of leading radon professionals committed to raising awareness about radon gas and providing their local customers with the best value in radon mitigation solutions. NRD's certified radon experts across North America possess the appropriate certifications, equipment, and training to provide unmatched solutions for all clients.