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Is the Proposed Colorado Law on Radon Enough?

Is the Proposed Colorado Law on Radon Enough? - Image 1

Is the Proposed Colorado Law on Radon Enough?

There is debate in Colorado currently about a proposed law to curb radon-related deaths there. It is estimated that more than 500 Coloradans die every year from radon-related lung cancer - more than drunk driving, drowning, fires, and carbon monoxide combined.

A Feb. 6, 2016 article in the Boulder Daily Camera reported that the Colorado House Committee on Health, Insurance and Environment heard a new bill purposed toward prevention of death from radon gas exposureThe new law would provide money for radon testing kits, some in-home mitigation programs, and advertising about radon. Much of the money would be set aside for low-income residents.

Some radon experts say the awareness campaign as proposed isn't enough. They think the state should insist on some level of accountability and regulate radon testing and mitigation. Nearly half of the homes in the state are considered at risk of unsafe radon exposure and 54 percent of homes in Boulder County have been tested at or above the radon action level set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The lawmakers who drafted the bill say they think the awareness campaign would "empower homeowners to take independent action."

You can read both sides of the issue in this article.


National Radon Defense has qualified radon contractors in Colorado who can perform radon testing and mitigation services. Don't be late to find out if radon is a problem in your home.