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Breathe EZ Air Cleaner

Easily filter allergens, odors, mold spores and radon with whole-house air filtration

Air Quality Study Results Graph

Proven Results

The Breathe EZ Air Cleaner is a very effective radon mitigation solution. Due to its ability to filter very small particles (.007 microns) it will filter radon decay products. These radon decay products are the source for radon induced lung cancer. This bar graph summarizes the study that was performed by the Progeny Group from Colorado Springs. These tests were done in 4 separate homes. For this study they measured Radon Decay Product, the actual elements created from radon. A Breathe EZ Air Cleaner was installed in the central HVAC system and the fan was place on the continuous "on" setting. The results were really amazing. One of the houses actually had a bolder in the sun room!

Radon is a noble gas that can't be filtered, but air filtration can reduce health risks associated with radon. Here's how it works:

When radon decays, it produces decay products. These are solid elements that stick to surfaces, such as dust particles. Breathing in the dust particles increases your risk of lung cancer, unless they are filtered. The problem is these particles are much smaller than what traditional furnace filters are designed to handle.

The solution is the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner. In clinical trials, this air cleaner filtered 98% of radioactive elements in the air. It can be easily installed into your furnace's 1-inch filter space by a trained installer. All you need to do is make sure the air in your home is circulating through your HVAC system. The harmful radon decay particles will attach themselves to the Breathe EZ air cleaner, reducing your risk of lung cancer.

If you have high radon levels, National Radon Defense recommends installing a radon mitigation system as your first line of defense, and the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner for extra protection.

Improve indoor air quality by replacing your standard furnace air filter with a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner

The Breathe EZ Air Cleaner is made in different sizes to fit a wide variety of HVAC systems. National Radon Defense technicians are trained to install Breathe EZ in your existing system. They will also show you how to swap out the filter media inside the Breathe EZ quickly and easily. This maintenance should be done about 4 times a year.

To protect your family from indoor air pollution and save money on your energy bills, put the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner to work in your house. Find your local NRD dealer and schedule an estimate today!

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